The Dead Sea:
Is there no bigger cliché than the picture of the fat, sunburned man pretending to read a newspaper while floating offhandedly in the dead sea? Yes! Does that take away from how wonderful it actually is to spend time in this sea of salt? Well, a little, but I am willing to overlook that and proclaim that it is one of my favorite places I have ever been. I am an inherently lazy person, that being said, the proposition of swimming without any effort on my part was one to look forward to but it is much more than that. The tranquility that I was able to find at the dead sea is not equal to any I have found anywhere else. Letting yourself float…
I met a very endearing german man as I got off the bus at the dead sea with whom I shared the experience and the ride back. 30 something newsroom video editor, fathered a child with the wrong woman then met the right one, soccer fanatic (he had followed his team to Israel for a match), lifelong Berliner. Covered with tattoos and almost a chain smoker he would not conjure the idea of ideal father to most. But after a long conversation about growing up, manhood and what it means to love your child, I realized how close to it he really was.